Top Five Reasons Why You Should Try Light Therapy!


None of us is perfect, and honestly, more people than you would think struggle with serious disorders that affect their every day lives. Light therapy has been proven effective in a wide array of scenarios. A light box imitates outdoor light, which boosts energy levels and improves health, as well as multiple other perks.The process of using a light box and other forms of the therapy have been successfully treating all sorts of disorders. These conditions range from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), to curing acne that just won’t go away…plus a little bit of everything in between. Now lets talk…why should you try light therapy?

1. Seasonal Affective Disorder and Depression…

If you struggle with any form of depression, light therapy may be a game changer for you. Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD is a form of depression that usually strikes annually during fall and winter. For some people, symptoms for SAD occur during summer and spring, but it is rare. Symptoms for the disorder include irritability, trouble getting along with others, weight gain and major appetite changes, low energy levels, extreme sensitivity to rejection, oversleeping, and an achey, heavy feeling throughout the limbs.

For people with depression, aside from Seasonal Affective Disorder, light therapy can help by simply using a light box to bring their energy levels back to normal. Depression is usually apparent in conjunction with lack of sleep and Circadian Rhythm Disorders. Circadian Rhythm Disorders are changes in a person’s normal rhythm of their 24 hours cycles. When the patterns of the brain wave activity drastically change due to work, pregnancy, medications, time zone changes, routine swaps, and medical issues such as Alzheimer’s, it is hard for the brain to keep up. Making it is easy for depression to creep in. Light therapy can help bring your brain and energy levels back to a point that is difficult to reach without any assistance.

2. Mental Disorders Can See The Light…

More than three million people in the United States are diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, also referred to as Manic Depression each year. The disorder brings about episodes of mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs. Most people struggling with the disorder undergo periods of elevated moods, either high or low, and increased irritability. A reduced need for sleep, depression symptoms, and loss of interest in passions are all common occurrences.

Same as Bipolar Disorder, there are more than three millions US cases of Insomnia per year. Insomnia is usually self-diagnosable and the symptoms include difficulty falling asleep and remaining asleep. People that struggle with Insomnia are often overly tired, lack concentration, show signs of depression, are extremely irritable, and suffer from headaches.

Unfortunately, neither disorder can be cured, but light therapy has been proven to show signs of improvement. Light therapy helps keep the biological clock on time in people with Bipolar Disorder and Insomnia. This clock can be easily agitated and can throw off sleep and wake cycles which are known to stir up symptoms such as mania and depression. Using light therapy aids in regulating biological patterns, in turn reducing mood swings and major brain wave changes.

People who struggle with SAD, depression, and Bipolar Disorder, often face other mental disorders such as Bulimia and Anorexia. The therapy indirectly improves mood, thus reducing the need to binge or purge. Or in the case of Anorexia, people feel the need to consume more food than normal for them.

3. Psoriasis, Acne and Other Skin Disorders…

Light therapy is extremely effective for skin conditions such as Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Scleroderma, and many other disorders. The process works by decreasing cell growth and inflammation that create skin issues. Psoriasis and acne, both very common skin conditions, have both shown results when treated with light therapy processes. Do you struggle with any of these? Most of us do or have at some point.

Psoriasis occurs when skin cells build up and form itchy and scaly patches on your body. Using a light box in a scenario such as this would slow down your cell growth and bring this painful condition to a halt.

There are also forms of light therapy that can improve the cosmetic appearance of your skin, for issues such as acne. Acne, which appears in the form of pimples, blackheads, and bumps, arises when hair follicles plug with dead skin cells and oil. There are many different forms of light therapy to aid in getting rid of acne, and most have proven effective for the common issues of every day pimples or “zits.” Light processes work in this scenario by killing the bacteria in your skin from the inside out in less than fifteen minutes of treatment.

4. Say Goodbye To Pills…

Why take pills for your disorders when there may not be a need? Trying different forms of light therapy and seeing results may mean that you can cancel those prescriptions your doctor keeps filling. Antidepressants bring along a whole slew of side effects that are far from fun. These include nausea, weight gain, fatigue, drowsiness, insomnia, sexual problems, blurred vision, dry mouth, stomach issues such as constipation, and much more.

Also, either decreasing the amount of pills you take or just cutting them all together can be extremely beneficial if you are either pregnant or breastfeeding. Save that baby! Switching to a more natural form of medication, such as light therapy, will not only help you, but it will keep your baby healthy and safe.

5. Undergoing Study For Much Much More…

Light therapy is currently under the microscope for conditions such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Premenstrual Syndrome, Parkinson’s Disease, Dementia, Attention Deficit/Hyperacticity Disorder (ADHD), jet lag, and more. If you find yourself struggling with any of these, light therapy may be the path you want to follow. Light therapy has not been proven to cure any of these conditions quite yet, but it’s only a matter of time.

As long as you’re going about light therapy the correct way, it can’t hurt you. Why not give it a try? It could drastically improve your life.

Seasonal Depression & Light Therapy


What Is Seasonal Depression?

Seasonal Depression, or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), is a mood disorder and mild form of depression. Unlike major depression, seasonal depression is temporary. It occurs at the same time each year, usually in the fall and winter months. Some people experience seasonal depression in the opposite months. Leaving them struggle with depression in the spring and summer and not finding happiness again until fall and winter. This form of the depression is much less common. Seasonal extremely frequent, ranking in with more than 3 million US cases each year. It is typically treatable and not a long term condition. The disorder typically resolves within months.What Are The Symptoms?

Symptoms for winter and fall Seasonal Affective Disorder may include…

• Irritability
• Tiredness or low energy
• Problems getting along with other people
• Hypersensitivity to rejection
• Heavy, “leaden” feeling in the arms or legs
• Oversleeping
• Appetite changes, especially a craving for foods high in carbs
• Weight gain

Symptoms for spring and summer Seasonal Affective Disorder may include…

• Depression
• Trouble sleeping (Insomnia)
• Weight loss
• Poor appetite
• Agitation or anxiety

(Symptoms lists from

Why Does Seasonal Depression Occur?

We do not know exactly why Seasonal Depression occurs and what causes it. However, many studies have been done in attempt to figure it out. Our biological clock (our Circadian Rhythm), is one factor. Because of the increased amount of darkness, and decreased amount of sunlight in the fall and winter months, our body’s internal clock is off. This can lead to feelings of depression. Another factor is our Serotonin levels. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter chemical in our brains that affects our moods. When the amount of sunlight that we are exposed to reduces, our Serotonin levels drop, prompting depression. The third reason is our Melatonin levels. Melatonin is a hormone found in our brains that anticipates the daily onset of darkness. When our light levels are off, for examples, when it gets dark at 4PM due to daylight savings, our brain gets confused and releases Melatonin. This tricks our brain and body and messes up our brain waves as well as our energy levels.

The Huffington Post took to their Healthy Living blog to discuss “10 Things Everyone Should Know About Seasonal Depression.” Lindsay Holmes, Healthy Living Editor, went in detail explaining how Seasonal Depression should be analyzed and discussed with a doctor. Holmes claimed that sometimes Seasonal Depression is a sign of underlying depression. She also defended the condition by stating that it’s not something to joke about and it’s an actual serious illness. For her eighth and ninth reasons on the blog, she explained where the depression seems to be the most prevalent as well as who seems to deal with it the most. Holmes explained,

“It’s more prevalent in northern states. People who live in colder, cloudier climates may be more susceptible to the disorder. Northern states have higher rates of SAD than southern states, according to the University of California, Irvine.

SAD is more common in women. Studies show women have higher rates of depression than men, including SAD, the New York Times reported. However, that doesn’t mean men are immune. Depression doesn’t discriminate and can affect anyone, regardless of gender, ethnicity or any biological factor.”

What Is Light Therapy?

Light Therapy is the concept of using different forms of light to treat a wide array of conditions. Doctors of all sciences have been using light therapy on their patients for years now. Thanks to the convenience of new light therapy products, it is not easy and accessible to use Light Therapy products at home. Light therapy has been helping to cure Seasonal Depression on insane levels and there is no sign of it stopping.

Light Therapy & Seasonal Depression…

Most people suffering from Seasonal Depression don’t do anything to fix the issue. Instead of looking for an answer, they assume it’s normal. They sleep in a little longer, drink more coffee, and wait for spring to poke it’s head out. Some people don’t even know they are struggling with something that is actually medically recognizable. To them, it’s just the winter blues. But by ignoring the fact that they’re suffering, they’re missing out on some months that could be wonderful. With today’s modern technology, there’s no need to avoid the topic anymore. There is actually a cure for Seasonal Affective Disorder.

The Options…

People suffering from Seasonal Depression have a couple options for treatment when it comes to Light Therapy. One option is a light box. A light box provides a measured amount of light through fluorescent bulbs or panels. The light intensity is typically between 2,500 to 10,000 lux. The amount of light is different depending on what you deem necessary for your treatment. Typically the amount of light would be equal to that of the amount of sunlight you are exposed to on a nice spring day. The light box helps regulate the internal clock in your mind, keeping your brain on track and your energy level high. The light box is typically small to medium sized, easy to carry, and fairly portable, depending on the seriousness of the depression. People undergoing the treatment set aside around 30 minutes a day, sometimes twice a day, and sit around 12 to 24 inches away from the light box. You would then carry on with whatever you choose. Reading, knitting, writing, eating, talking on the phone, etc. Be careful not to look directly into the light.

For people who have trouble waking up in the morning, have not seen results with light therapy boxes, or want to combine two methods, dawn/dusk simulators are recommended. The devices have proven effective for people with mild symptoms up to severe symptoms. The dawn/dusk simulator helps mimic the ideal lighting and darkness occurring outdoors. For example, if you have trouble waking up in the morning, the simulator can be set to slowly turn on at 8AM, or whatever time you choose. A bright light will appear in your bedroom, typically on a bedside table. The simulator leaves you feeling refreshed and ready for the day. Another case would be helping keep your biological clock on time by mimicking light throughout your day and then shutting down at the accurate outdoors time. For people who live in places that stay dark for a significant amount of the time each year, like Alaska in the winter, this simulator is perfect. It will mimic sunlight in your house all day, reminding you that it is day time. Once the time of sunset rolls around, the device will slowly shut off.


Seasonal Depression is not rare, it is not a joke, and it could be happening to you. What are you going to do about it?

Light Therapy For Depression


What Is Depression?

Everyone has their moments where they feel sad and low, sometimes even depressed. These feelings can stem from rejection, loss, drastic lifestyle changes, low self esteem, every day struggles, and more. But when these feelings don’t subside, when your mood stays as low as the dirt below you, it is very likely that your sadness has transformed into something deeper. These are signs of being clinically depressed. When depressed, most people feel helpless, hopeless, and worthless. There are little to no things that can lift people’s chins in scenarios such as this. These feelings can last from a few days, to months, to years. A great deal of people battle depression for their entire lives. When sadness turns into depression, it becomes a condition that is medically treatable.

How Do I Know If I Am Depressed?

Web MD, a very reliable website dedicated to helping people understand their bodies, has a section on their website explaining depression and all of the details surrounding the condition. In their piece on depression, there is a chapter titled, “How Do I Know If I Have Depression?” They continue to list signs that point towards depression followed by some important key signs…

• A depressed mood during most of the day, particularly in the morning
• Fatigue or loss of energy almost every day
• Feelings of worthlessness or guilt almost every day
• Impaired concentration, indecisiveness
• Insomnia (an inability to sleep) or hypersomnia (excessive sleeping) almost every day
• Markedly diminished interest or pleasure in almost all activities nearly every day
• Recurring thoughts of death or suicide (not just fearing death)
• A sense of restlessness or being slowed down
• Significant weight loss or weight gain

“A key sign of depression is either depressed mood or loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed. For a diagnosis of depression, these signs should be present most of the day either daily or nearly daily for at least two weeks. In addition, the depressive symptoms need to cause clinically significant distress or impairment. They cannot be due to the direct effects of a substance, for example, a drug or medication. Nor can they be the result of a medical condition such as hypothyroidism.” (

Is Depression Common?

It is important to note that depression is extremely common. In fact, it’s even more than extremely common. It is estimated that by 2020, clinical depression will be the second most cause of disability in the world. Heart Disease is the first. Although most forms of depression are clinically treatable, a great deal of people who suffer from depression fail to acknowledge that there is a valid explanation to their low and depressed moods. Some people know, but fail to accept that depression is the case. Because of this, many people search tirelessly for other causes and explanations.

Light Therapy & Depression…

Light Therapy is the process of using different forms of light to help reduce and/or treat a wide array of conditions and disorders. Doctors have been using light therapy on patients suffering from depression for awhile. And now, thanks to the convenience of new light therapy products, you can also use the treatment at home. Light therapy has been tackling depression slowly but surely.

Light Therapy is usually discussed in terms of Seasonal Affective Disorder, which is a mild form of depression that typically occurs in the winter months. But major depression is also a condition that is being looked at under the light. A recent study has shown that fluorescent lighting is being used to treat major (non-seasonal) depression. In fact, the treatment might actually be better than anti-depressants.

Where’s The Proof?

JAMA Psychiatry arranged a randomized clinical trial to study Light Therapy and depression. The team at JAMA assigned 122 people struggling with major depression to one of many treatment groups. One group was given fluorescent light therapy from a simple light box. The treatment was 30 minutes of light and a placebo pill right after they awoke from a nights sleep. The second group took Prozac, and were exposed to the sound of a negative ion generator. It was deactivated and produced a hum. No ions. The third group received both treatments together. The control group was given both of the placebo treatments.

writer, Alice G. Walton, who is a contributor to the website’s Pharmacy and Healthcare section, studied the clinic that was conducted by JAMA. She took to the Forbes blog to describe how the trial went, in terms that are a bit easier for us non-scientists to understand. She wrote on the blog,

“At the end of the study period, 59% of the people who had both active treatments – light therapy and medication together – achieved remission from their depression. And light therapy alone wasn’t too far behind: about 44% of the participants who’d received active light therapy (along with the placebo pill) experienced remission. In contrast, only 19% of those taking the antidepressant and receiving the placebo light therapy achieved remission. And 30% of people receiving both placebos did.

When it came to how many people experienced a reduction in their symptoms by 50%, a similar breakdown was observed. About 76% of the people who received both light therapy and antidepressant had this level of symptom reduction. For those who received only light therapy, about half of this group saw reduction in their symptoms, and for those who took the antidepressant alone, 29% did. For those getting the placebo pill and placebo light therapy, 33% saw the same level of reduction in their symptoms.

This isn’t the first study to suggest that medication isn’t any better than placebo — but it is the first to suggest that light therapy may be better than either one for treating major depression.” (

A Game Changer…

Seeing results such as the ones from the JAMA Psychiatry clinical trial are a total game changer for people dealing with major (non-seasonal) depression. Light Therapy treatments are fairly inexpensive and very easily accessible. Light Therapy also has little to no side effects, which is definitely not the case for anti-depressants. Anti-depressants come with a whole slew of side effects that no one wants to deal with, especially when they’re already dealing with depression. These treatments should not be experimented with for depression reasons before speaking to a doctor. But if approved by a doctor, it might be time to say goodbye to depression thanks to Light Therapy.

Light Therapy & Acne

What Is Light Therapy?

Light Therapy is the process of using different forms of light to help reduce and/or treat a wide array of conditions and disorders. Dermatologists have been using light therapy on their patients for awhile now. And now, thanks to the convenience of new light therapy products, you can also use the treatment at home. Light therapy has been taking down acne one pimply face at a time and pretty much kicking it’s butt.

Light Therapy & Acne…

We all deal with them, those not so pretty blemishes on our cheeks, our noses, our foreheads, our backs, and other unfortunate places. Acne is a skin condition that occurs when hair follies plug with oil and dead skin cells. The bothersome condition results in pimples, blackheads, and bumps. It’s honestly a pretty difficult condition to conquer. Some people can lay off the greasy potato chips, change their pillow cases every single morning, and still end up with zits on their foreheads. Some people can apply all of the expensive creams in the world, try every homeopathic treatment, read every Pinterest article about how to get rid of their zits, and they will still struggle. Some people deal with terrible side affects with acne medications, or they just can’t afford to keep getting it refilled! This is where light therapy can kick acne right out of your life.

Exposing your skin to different forms of Light Therapy can help kill the bacteria in and on your skin that causes redness and swelling from acne. Using a form of Light Therapy will not be a quick kill for your zits. It will not just zap them away like a laser does. Instead, the treatment kills the bacteria that causes acne and reduces the amount of oil-producing glands on your skin. Giving your skin a chance to recover by itself, without harming or damaging it for the long run. Depending on what is needed and wanted, the treatment will either be using red light, blue light, or a combination of the two.

What We’ve Learned From The Sun…

If you’ve ever gone on vacation somewhere sunny and warm, or you spend a lot of time outdoors in the summer, you’ll notice the effect the sun has on your skin. Not only are you nice and naturally tan, but it can treat acne and reduce the blemishes on your skin. The red and blue wavelengths of sunlight are what really do the trick. They’re not always visible, and let’s face it. Not all of us are lucky enough to live in paradise! We can’t all get natural acne treatments sitting on the beach every day! Sometimes we need a little help. For long term benefits, and for most of us who have to deal with seasonal changes, Light Therapy really does the trick.  Light Therapy helps mimic the sun, but actually does a better job due to the fact that you can target the exact light that you want. Meaning you can light, blue light, or both!

Red Light vs. Blue Light…

Red light and blue light each have different effects on the skin, both providing lots of benefits. Even more so when they’re combined!

Facing Acne, a website dedicated to helping people get the clear skin they desire, wrote a wonderful article explaining light therapy and it’s effects on acne. They wrote a brief summary on the differences between red light and blue light. The website explains,

“Red light reaches deep into the skin and activates hemoglobin. Red light treatment cuts off just enough of the blood supply of oil-producing sebaceous glands that pores don’t get quite as oily. Blue light penetrates pores and kills acne bacteria—but not all the pore’s acne bacteria. There are always some acne bacteria in the sebaceous gland that can’t be reached by blue light.” (

“There are specific wavelengths of visible light that kill acne bacteria. Visible blue light from the sun (in the frequency range of approximately 415 nm) that shines into pores can activate light-sensitive chemicals called porphyrins that are found in the outer cell membranes of the bacteria that cause acne. When these chemicals begin to vibrate in sync with solar energy, they rupture the outer lining of the bacterium. The contents of the bacterial cell begin to leak out, and the bacterium dies within 48 hours.

Visible red light from the sun has a complementary benefit in treating acne. Solar rays in the frequency range of approximately 650 nanometers reach deeper into the skin, down to the level of the sebocytes that produce the oil that sometimes clogs pores.

The red rays of the sun are absorbed by red compounds in the skin. They primarily heat up hemoglobin. Ordinary light shining on the surface of the skin, however, only reaches to the depth of the oil glands, and does not cauterize the blood vessels in the skin. The effects of red light on oil-producing glands are temporary, and they begin producing large amounts of all again a week or two after treatment.” (

Don’t Forget…

It is also important to note that drying out your skin is very easy to do. And dry skin does not mean healthy skin. So when it comes to light therapy, more treatment does not mean better results. Drying or burning your skin by keeping your face too close to your lamp or wand does not improve your skin. Also, using light therapy as your only form of skin treatment will not fix your problems. Light Therapy should always be combined with other methods for the best results. For example, being sure to keep your skin clean, watching what you eat, properly moisturizing, changing your sheets and pillowcases when necessary, etc.

Are You Sold?

Light Therapy started becoming popular as a way to treat and cure acne when highly intense medicines such as Accutane and Retin-A were given a whole slew of restrictions from the government. Due to the lack of negative effects that Light Therapy has on the body, dermatologists hopped right on board, no longer being afraid of putting their patient’s health on the line. Now instead of prescribing medications or acne, you can now receive in office treatments from your dermatologist. But don’t forget, you can treat yourself at home as well. Blue light and red light therapy devices to use at home or while you’re at a spa have become extremely popular and easy to find.

There are lower cost options such as handheld led lamps for your face or other problem areas. These help heat the oil under your pores so that blackheads can pop out. But there are also higher end devices that have proven to be much more effect. You will not see instant results from any product that you purchase or use at a spa, but being consistent and knowing what you’re doing will go a long way.

Trophy Skin Blue MD

This highly recommended device combines blue light and red light therapy to help achieve the best possible results. The Trophy Skin Blue MD uses LED lighting to safely kill bacteria that causes acne. The device “penetrates deep into pores, eliminating P. Acnes at the source to heal blemishes and prevent future breakouts. BlueMD also emits red light to reduce inflammation and promote skin healing. In as little as 20 minutes a day a few times per week, BlueMD heals your acne from the inside out for clearer, smoother, blemish-free skin.” (

Your skin is waiting for you to make it healthy again! It’s time to use Light Therapy to cure that acne.

Bye Bye Tanning Beds!

What Are Tanning Beds?

Tanning beds are used by both men and women to tan the skin on your body without actual sunlight. The process consists of laying horizontal in an enclosed bed with a bank of sunlamp tubes above and below the body. The bed uses ultraviolet radiation to produce a cosmetic tan. The effect of using fluorescent lamps with phosphor blends is similar to the sun’s rays. Tanning beds can be used at home or in a salon. At home tanning beds are typically small, containing 12 to 28 100 watt lamps. The beds used in salon are usually bigger and contain 24 to 60 lamps, ranging from 100 to 200 watts. The maximum exposure time in most tanning beds is 20 minutes.

Here’s a fun fact for you from the Huffington Post…

“Up until the 1920s, tan skin was a sign of poverty, and a creamy complexion was the epitome of beauty. If you’ve seen Baz Luhrmann’s The Great Gatsby or Vogue’s flapper-inspired photo shoot with Carrie Mulligan, you’ll get the picture. Powdery, pale skin that rarely saw the sun was a sign of glamour and luxury.
That is, until Coco Chanel came along. As the story goes, the fashion icon got a little too much sun on one of her yacht trips in the Cannes in 1923, returning to the spotlight with a bronze glow. Her sun-kissed look launched a fad and, eventually, an entire industry revolving around achieving the perfect tan.
Soon, celebrities and socialites were flocking to tropical destinations during the winter, using sunlamps to darken their once-porcelain skin. Sunburns were common. So was lying out in the sun for house to “work on your tan.” (

The Serious Risks…

By the early 1980s, tanning beds, along with spray tans, were starting to become popular. Younger people were primarily drawn to the allure of tanning bed. Making sure they were tan for school dances, being sure to be tan before going to the beach for the summer, and so on. The fad had a pretty long running and although there are still tanning salons and high schoolers still get a tan before prom, the downsides of the tanning world have certainly come to light in the past few years.

Yes, tanning beds will make your skin glow, you won’t have tan lines, and you’ll always look like you just hopped off your yacht, but are these things worth the risks? Overexposure to UV radiation is very much known to cause skin cancer, increasing the age process of your skin, including wrinkles, mutate DNA, and lower the immune system. Tanning beds can also drastically increase the chances of being diagnosed with Melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer.

Tanning and Teens…

Teenagers are frequently victims of impeccable market skills and ploys. Salons attract teens with coupons, media outlets, discounts, magazine and newspapers ads, and free sessions. It’s obviously difficult for teenager’s to resist the urge, making them the biggest users of tanning beds. Tanorexia has become a major issue in the current world. Tanorexia describes the inability to stop the use of false tanning sessions and is seen in teenagers who frequent salons and admit being unable to stop the obsession.

The US Public Health Services states that “UV radiation, including the use of sun lamps and sun beds are known to be a human carcinogen.” It also explains that skin cancer is most commonly diagnosed in people under thirty years old once they have been exposed to the light. Children and teens have a biological vulnerability to UV radiation, thus making them more susceptible to skin cancer. Because of these horrific statistics, since 2005 many states have banned the use of tanning beds for anyone under the age of eighteen or required parental consent ahead of time.

The Tanning Industry Evolves…

While tanning beds are basically awful, promote low self esteem, increase the risk of cancer, and ruin our skin, who says we can’t be inspired by them?

Light therapy has been being used in the form of a bed, similar to the look of a tanning bed, for awhile now. The major difference here? The lights are red! No, you’re not entering a spaceship. And no, you’re not going to see the devil in there. Instead, you’re reversing the aging process of your skin, along with quite a few other benefits. Because tanning beds have been under scrutiny for awhile now, the industry is evolving. A lot of places have been changing the lights in their tanning beds and creating red light therapy devices. Companies that used to sell the beds are now selling devices that do the exact opposite of what their old products used to do. Isn’t that funny?

What Is The Red Light?

The red light process is more commonly used for cosmetic assistance. Such as reducing fine lines and wrinkles, putting a stop to acne, healing after sun damage, and other skin problems.  But beside being an anti-aging miracle worker, red light therapy has shown some pretty serious results when it comes to chronic and acute pain. NASA discovered the benefits of red light therapy in the early 2000s during a clinic for wound healing and pain management. Not coincidentally, this is when conventional medicine caught on and light therapy said goodbye to it’s taboo image. NASA is pretty good at stuff like that.

Since the discovery, red light therapy has been proven to provide relief from muscle and joint pains, high blood pressure, arthritis, as well as nerve and tissue damage. It can also decrease injury healing time, which is why pro athletes undergo the therapy after injuries.

What To Try…

Harmony 20

Sunco Tanning offers a red light therapy bed named the Harmony 20. The bed uses 20 RVL (Red Visible Light) collagen lamps and 2000 watts. The bed can be used daily and only 15 minutes for a full body session. The bed is also one of the green energy products made by the company. Which is not only good for your wallet, but also good for the environment. It plugs into a 120 volt house hold outlet and is made in the USA, which is never a bad thing.

It’s about time we do something good for ourselves, instead of killing our skin to make our reflection look better. Don’t you think?

Blue Light Therapy Is Fighting Cancer…

How Does It Work?

Blue light therapy is the practice of use blue UV lighting to treat conditions such as Seasonal Affective Disorder, acne, insomnia, and so on. However, blue light has recently been being used to help fight skin cancer.
Photodynamic therapy, or PDT, is a form of treatment that uses drugs, or photosynthesizing agents, accompanied by light to kill cancer cells. The drugs become activated by specific kinds of light which triggers them to begin working. The American Cancer Society took to their website to discuss Photodynamic Therapy and it’s life changing effects on cancer. The article explained,
“Depending on the part of the body being treated, the photosensitizing agent is either put into the bloodstream through a vein or put on the skin. Over a certain amount of time the drug is absorbed by the cancer cells. Then light is applied to the area to be treated. The light causes the drug to react with oxygen, which forms a chemical that kills the cells. Photodynamic Therapy might also help by destroying the blood vessels that feed the cancer cells and by alerting the immune system to attack the cancer. The period of time between when the drug is given and when the light is applied is called the drug-to-light interval. It can be anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days, depending on the drug used.” (

The Good Stuff…

• No long term side effects.
• Less invasive than surgery.
• Usually a short process.
• Usually done as an outpatient.
• Has wonderful accuracy for targeting specific areas of the body.
• Can be repeated multiple times at the same site on the body.
• Little to no scarring.
• Costs less than other treatments.

The Not So Good Stuff…

• Can only treat areas where light can reach. Meaning the problem site has to be on or just under the skin, or in the lining organs. It cannot be used to treat larger scale cancers or cancers that have grown deep into the skin or organs.
• Can’t treat cancer that has spread all over.
• Cannot be used in people with certain blood diseases. For example, any of the Porphyrias or people with allergies to the Porphyrins.
• The treatment can leave people sensitive to light for a good amount of time.
In Sum…
Photodynamic Therapy is being proven to help treat certain types of cancer which means that it is help changing the world for the better. The process is not being widely used quite yet, but it is offered at some treatment centers. It is consistently being studied in clinics and is becoming much more appreciated as a responsible and effective option for cancer treatment. If the all magic blue light can kill cancer then it can improve the quality of life in this world.

Let’s Talk Red Light Therapy

What Is Red Light Therapy?

Just like all light therapies, red light therapy is an all natural therapy with unlimited benefits. During this process, you shine a red light on yourself for a certain amount of time on a regular schedule in order to alter cosmetic details, decrease pain, quicken a healing process, etc.

What Does It Do?

The red light process is more commonly used for cosmetic assistance. Such as reducing fine lines and wrinkles, putting a stop to acne, healing after sun damage, and other skin problems.  But beside being an anti-aging miracle worker, red light therapy has shown some pretty serious results when it comes to chronic and acute pain. NASA discovered the benefits of red light therapy in the early 2000s during a clinic for wound healing and pain management. Not coincidentally, this is when conventional medicine caught on and light therapy said goodbye to it’s taboo image. NASA is pretty good at stuff like that.

Since the discovery, red light therapy has been proven to provide relief from muscle and joint pains, high blood pressure, arthritis, as well as nerve and tissue damage. It can also decrease injury healing time, which is why pro athletes undergo the therapy after injuries.

How Does It Work?

Red light therapy uses infrared light, which is different from most other forms of light therapy. This particular light is of a stronger wavelength than others thus being able to reach deeper into your skin and provide benefits to your body, not just your mind. In 2013, Tammy Thompson took to her blog about health and wellness for Women’s Journal and explained just how red light gets it’s results. She wrote, “Red Light, in wavelengths between 630-660 nm (nanometers), has the ability to penetrate deep into the layers of the skin, energizing fibroblast cells that make collagen and elastin production. This is how the skin repairs damage and rejuvenates the skin’s overall appearance.”

Thompson continued to explain that the results from the process may just seem it like a cosmetic enhancement, but the results are actually showing the body healing itself. The same goes for red light treatment post accidents. Red light provides a relief from injuries that medicines and surgeries can’t do. This is because the body is actually healing, the pain is not just being masked.

What Are The Benefits?

You get it. Red light therapy is basically magical. It helps trigger our body into healing itself, it can make us look younger, it can decrease our pain, the list goes on and on. But besides those points, there are some pretty basic things that cannot be overlooked here. Light Therapy Options, a wonderful website dedicated to the all mighty power of light therapy, made a pretty impeccable list about these benefits. Take a look.

• 100% natural
• Drug free
• Chemical free
• Non-invasive (no needles or knives)
• Non-ablative (does not damage the skin)
• Painless (does not itch, burn, or sting)
• Requires zero downtime
• Safe for all skin types
• Safe for all ages
• Easily self administer in your own home
• FDA approved

(Benefit list borrowed from

Are There Any Side Effects?

Just like any medical treatment, there are some side effects to be considered if you are planning on using red light therapy or are already undergoing the treatment. People with a history of skin cancer should speak to their doctor first. There is a chance that light therapy is not the best thing for you. Any sort of treatment that involves being exposed to harsh amount of UV light and radiation cannot be deemed as risk free, but the side effects have been shown as extremely mild. Side effects may include headaches, trouble with sleeping, nausea, irritability, and trouble seeing clearly. Intense side effects are quite rare and light therapy is generally considered safe.

Some Of The Best Products…

So, are you sold? If you’re interested in trying red light therapy for yourself or you know someone who might be interested, take a look at some of our favorite products below.


For Your Face:

Quasar MD Plus

When it comes to your face, you don’t want to mess around. You only get one of those and guess what? You can’t hide from your face. There are a lot of hand held light treatments available, but this dermatologist recommended device is by far one of the best. the Quasar MD Plus is easy to use and you’ll see results fast. The device uses wavelengths of red and infrared light just as powerful as the ones used by professionals. The energy simulates and increases blood flow for a beautiful glow. It also aids in smoothing wrinkles. Who doesn’t want that? The device can be used for less than fifteen minutes per treatment as little as twice a week.

For Your Body:

Clinical XL Lighthead

This deep penetrating light head is ideal for pain relief. Revive Light Therapy sells many light therapy products, but the Clinical XL Lighthead is ideal for body pains. The device is made up of 72 powerful, medical grade LED lights that make it possible to cover a large area for easy treatment. The lights penetrate into your tissue to help relieve stiffness and aches.  The lightweight design is handheld and easy to use, making it simple to target those sore spots that nag you all day. It’s safe for all skin types, has great reviews, and the price isn’t too bad either.

For Your Busy Schedule:


Qfiber Infrared Heat Therapy Body Wrap

This body wrap is definitely a game changer for anyone with a lot on their plate. The Qfiber Infrared Heat Therapy Body Wrap provides relief by using deep penetration exactly where you need it. The body wrap is easily portable, safe and effective, comfortable to use, and fits all body types. The versatility of the body wrap is perfect for treating condition such as arthritis, carpel tunnel, shingles, fibromyalgia, abdominal cramps, etc.


For Your Bank Account:

NOVA RED Light Therapy Machine

This handheld anti-aging wand is perfect if you’re just looking to improve your skin and get rid of some wrinkles. It’s not quite as crazy as the Quasar MD Plus, but it’s just as easy to use and 10% of the price. The NOVA RED Light Therapy Machine combines 660 nanometer light bulbs and continuous pulsing to tighten your skin, reduce fine lines, and leave you with a healthy glow. The wand is handheld, cordless, and rechargeable. It also includes a light emission control sensor to protect your eyes, avoiding the need for goggles. If you’re new to red light therapy and more interested in the cosmetic side of the treatment, this more affordable option is most likely right up your alley.


10 Best Light Therapy Products Under $100

There are a crazy amount of Light Therapy Products out there. Go to Amazon, type in “Light Therapy” and just wait to feel overwhelmed. It’ll happen fast. So how do you weed out the good ones? Which products can be trusted? And most importantly, which products won’t empty out your wallet?!

No need to worry. We’ve got you covered. We are going to share the 10 best light therapy products for under $100! Our results are based off of the products review scores and the actual details of the reviews, leaving you with the best possible results. Our list is not in chronological order, so please keep that in mind while reading.

We’re just going to say you’re welcome now. Because we know your skin is going to want to thank us later…

1. Northern Light Lumie Alarm Clock


This sunrise and sunset simulator mimics the outdoor light and it’s timing with the day. You can set an alarm for the simulator to turn itself on and off in tune with your brain’s internal clock. For example, set the alarm to occur every day at 8 o’clock in the morning. The simulator will begin to mimic the sunrise inside your bedroom. This allows you to feel rested and ready for the day, waking up with the sun. Same goes for sunset. The “sun” can slowly begin to set as your day begins to wind down. This product is highly rated and reviewed, having proved over and over to help keep your internal clock in check. 

2. Verilux Happy Light 6,000


Most commonly used for Seasonal Affective Disorder, or Seasonal Depression, this light therapy box is top of the line and a good price point. The device is simple, easy to use, and small. A small light therapy box can have its pros and cons, but the most common pro would have to be the portability. You can use this box on your desk at work, on your counter while you’re cooking, next to your bed while you read, and so much more. Keep your mood up and your space free! 

3. Norlanya Micro Vibration Photon Therapy Device



This light therapy wand is essential to your beauty and skin regiment. The Norlanya Micro Vibration Photon Therapy Device gives you all of the options you need to perfect your skin. Red light, blue light, green light, basic LED lighting, or combinations of any of these and you’re on your way to glowing skin. The wand helps tighten the skin on your face, reduce wrinkles, and clear acne. It is compact, easy to use, and extremely effective. It has built in alarms to let you know when your treatments are finished, which is essential if you care about your skin. For less than $60, this hand held device is a total snag.

4. ReVive Clinic 4 Acne Light Therapy System


Somewhat similar to the product discussed above, the ReVive Clinic 4 Light Therapy System is hand held and specifically targets acne. This product is at a slightly higher price point even though it uses only blue light. The higher price point is due to the higher quality of the product. No, you cannot combine different lights for different uses and so on, but you can really get down and dirty with that pesty acne that just won’t go away. The ReVive Clinic 4 uses blue light to kill the bacteria living in your skin which helps diminish acne and other blemishes. Using this simple, hand held device on a regular schedule can help keep your acne under control. 

5. LED Light Therapy Skin Care System



Similar to the Norlanya Micro Vibration Photon Therapy Device, this light therapy package uses multiple forms of light therapy to target skin conditions. As you’ll see, the LED Light Therapy Skin Care System is at a slightly higher price point. The reason being, you get more for your buck. This skin care package includes three detachable light heads which can be changed according to what your skin requires. The device is hand held, cordless when in use and charges with the included cord. The device is aimed to give you a 30 minute treatment per charge and has a built in timer to let you know when your treatments, which are typically 10 minutes long, are finished. The LED Light Therapy Skin Care System has wonderful reviews when it comes to killing acne causing bacteria, tightening the skin on your face and body, as well as reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

6.Verilux VT10WW1 HappyLight Liberty 5.0 Natural Spectrum Energy Lamp


The light therapy box is perfect for people who are always on the go or spend most of their day in an office setting. The Verilux VT10WW1 Happy Light Energy Lamp is compact and portable, making it easy to pack into a briefcase or suitcase. Or if you’re often at a desk, this lamp can live on her counter space, without occupying much room. This box emits 5000 LUX, which is definitely remarkable considering it’s size. 5000 LUX is the perfect amount of light to be emitted for short daily treatments to help cure your seasonal depression, jet lag, low mood levels, insomnia, and more. The lamp is also 50% as powerful as other lamps that are up to 10 times it’s size. That price point isn’t too bad either! 

7. Lighten Up! Model 308 Sunrise Simulator



This sunrise and sunset simulator is a little different than most. The Lighten Up! Model 308 Sunrise Simulator actually does not include a lamp. Instead, this device plugs into the light source of your choice, turning it into a simulator. With this device you can control your own lamp and have it on a specific timer, staying in tune with the outdoor light, thus keeping your internal body clock in check. This simulator is perfect for helping treat seasonal depression, jet lag, insomnia, and more. For people who live in areas that deal with long periods of darkness, for example Alaska in the winter, this simulator can help your body remember what time it is and where your brain should be at at that time. This simulator is very well priced and the fact that you can control just about eveything about it including the light source isn’t too bad either. 

8. Infrared LED Light Therapy Pad


Red Light Therapy has been recognized for awhile now as a great option for pain management and holistic wound healing. The Infrared LED Light Therapy Pad is a compact and simple pad that can wrap onto areas of your body that need healing. This pad can help with joint and muscle pain, chronic pain, wound healing, Arthritis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and so much more. If your body is aching, this pad is the way to go. It’s complete with 36 high output 880 nanometer LED bulbs and a power adapter with a detachable plug. This light therapy pad is definitely a bargain according to it’s high four star rating on Amazon.

9. Hammacher Schlemmer Desktop Light Therapy Lamp



Yes, this is another light therapy box, and yes, this one is more expensive. But didn’t your parents ever tell you “you get what you pay for!” The Hammacher Schlemmer Desktop Light Therapy Lamp is sleak, clean, and effective. The lamp is equipped with 10,000 LUX of daylight spectrum light, which is rare for a product of its size. The high level of light being emitted is perfect for counteracting seasonal depression, seasonal change, jet lag, and more. Spending just 30 minutes a day in front of this light therapy lamp can help stop the release of melatonin in your brain. Melatonin is a sleep hormone and when it is stopped from being released throughout the day, you will find yourself with a much higher energy level from sun up to sun down. The Hammacher Schlemmer Desktop Light Therapy Lamp uses a 36 watt bulb rated for 10,000 hours. It also includes an electronic ballast to stop buzzing while operating and flicker elimination technology. This light therapy lamp definitely needs to be added to your cart. 

10. ReVive Light Therapy Pain System



Similar to the red light therapy pad discussed above, this device is ideal if you’re struggling with joint and muscle pains, wounds, aching muscles, Arthritis, and much much more. However, differing from the light therapy pad, the ReVive Ligh Therapy Pain System is handheld, letting you reach different places. It’s also slightly more intricate. This device uses 60 LED lights fifty six 880 nanometer infrared and four 669 nanometer red to safely and effectively deliver infrared heat. LED lights of this capacity have been known to penetrate deep into the skin to effectively relieve pains and ailments. This device actually reaches the tissue in your body, treating more than just surface level pain. The ReVive Light Therapy Pain System is highly ranked and very well reviewed. 


No Excuses For Light Therapy…

When most people first hear about light therapy they either think…
I don’t need that! or Who’s got time for that?


Maybe You Do Need It…

A great majority of people struggle with conditions that make getting through your days not so smooth and peaceful. Season Affective Disorder, work fatigue, seasonal changes, and jet lag are just a few examples. Most people don’t do anything about these conditions. They sleep a little longer on the weekend, hope it will just go away, drink too many energy drinks, and the cycle continues. Using a form of light therapy such as a light box can help ease some of the tension from these issues. Light boxes block the release of melatonin, which is a sleep hormone. You may have used the all natural pills to help you fall asleep. When less melatonin is being triggered in your brain, your energy levels and alertness can increase.

Sleep disorders are very common among Americans. Maybe it’s because we are so connected to our devices that we can’t rest from them, or maybe because we’re so easily tensed and stressed. Or depending on your location, maybe daylight savings is throwing you for a loop. Using a light box on a regular schedule or just in times of need can easily improve your quality of life. Did you wake up too late and not get enough sunlight throughout your day? Keep a light box by you for your evening. Recharge those internal batteries. Is it basically impossible for you to wake up to the sound of your alarm when the sun isn’t even awake yet? Or does that boisterous alarm sound just make you go mad? Wake up to vibrant LED light shining from your bedside table instead. Is daylight savings confusing the heck out of your mind and body? Is it virtually impossible to know what time it is without a watch? Get yourself back on track with a light box. Wake yourself up with a light box and keep it on until it is a normal time for the sun to retreat.

All of these conditions require LED lighting. LED lighting works by mimicking the natural sunshine that occurs outdoors. In the past, white light LED lighting was the only form used to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder, which was discussed above. But in recent research, we have come to learn that blue light therapy is an effective method as well., a website based in the UK, is dedicated to helping treat Seasonal Affective Disorder. In their section on choosing the right light products, they discussed why blue light is becoming more prevalent in the practice.

“Although the light emitted by the sun appears to be white, it is actually made up of the full spectrum of colours. This becomes apparent when sunlight shines through rain and it is split into the full spectrum of colours creating a rainbow.” (

Thus explaining why experimenting with other forms of light should not be out of the question. Blue light therapy has indeed been proven just as effective as white light while treating SAD.

No, the LED light boxes are not warm. And no, they won’t give you a tan. But they sure will trick your mind. And guess what? Tricking yourself isn’t always a bad thing.

Making Time For It…

The other excuse for not trying light therapy goes a little something like this… “Ain’t nobody got time for that!” Well guess what, you do. Adding light therapy into schedule should not be life changing or stressful.
The process of using a light therapy box depends on what you’re using it for it. If you are suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder, work fatigue, seasonal changes, jet lag, decreased mood levels, or anything else that has got your internal happiness radar down, a light box set up on a table in front of you is what you need. The recommended process for the treatment involves sitting in front of a light box, which typically consists of fluorescent bulbs and a diffusing screen. Looking into the lights is far from recommended, but rather finding something to pass the time, something you enjoy to do, will be the most effective. For example, reading a book, eating some meals, knitting, writing, etc. It is important to make sure that your body and face are facing the light, but you are staying focused on your activity, rather than thinking too deeply about the treatment occurring.

The therapy can last as long as you see fit. Some people just need fifteen minutes a day, while others need three hours. Some people need to use the process just once a day, while others use it much more frequently. Discussing your options with a doctor if you’re dealing with severe conditions may be a smart decision.

In a research clinic at Columbia University, students attempted to treat winter symptoms with light therapy. In their article written about the clinic they explained,

“The average length of a session for a system delivering 10,000 lux illumination is, for example, much shorter than for 2,500 lux (30 minutes vs. two hours). In clinical trials at our institute, with over 100 SAD patients who used a 10,000 lux system with UV-filtered light diffusion and angular tilt, for 30 minutes each day, about 3/4 showed major improvement of depressive symptoms. In another experiment, we found that 30 minutes was an unnecessarily long exposure for some patients (who responded fully at 15 minutes), while several required 1-hour exposures to show the effect.” (

If you have decided to experiment with light therapy and you are struggling with some of the other conditions discussed above, such as having trouble waking up or having trouble getting to sleep, a different method may be what you are looking for. Using a light therapy box that is set to a timer, could be a simple and effective option for you. Simply set the lamp close to where you sleep in your bedroom and set your preferred wake up time. The lamp will slowly increase it’s strength of light, awaking you in a peaceful way and keeping your mind on track with day cycle.

Case in point…you do have time for it. Light therapy is not as crazy as it seems!

Celebrities Who Use Light Therapy

Image from

We always look to celebrities for the little details in our lives. Where do they shop? Where do I get pants like that? How are they so skinny? What kind of makeup do they use? Where do they buy their groceries? Do they work out? What kind of hair products do they use? What’s their diet?

The most common questions usually revolve around their cosmetic appearance…

How is their skin so perfect?
How come I have acne but they don’t?
Where are their wrinkles?
Why don’t they age?!

We all ask ourselves these questions. Jennifer Lopez is forty six years old, a mother to two children, probably busier than any of us can even imagine, and has been in the spotlight for at least thirty years.

How is her skin still so perfect? Where are those wrinkles hiding? Her legs seriously have no cellulite? You’ve got to be kidding. She’s forty six and still rocks booty shorts better than any eighteen year old.

The effervescent J-Lo, perhaps the eighth Wonder of the World for most of us, is just one of many celebrities who use light therapy as a part of her every day routine. Celebrities use multiple different forms of light therapy, some more excessive than others, all showing wonderful results. The options range from light boxes, wands, masks, panels, lamps, wraps or one of the many other options to improve their skin. The results can decrease wrinkles, clear acne, open pores, diminish cellulite, and basically slow down the aging process that we all unfortunately have to go through. Light therapy can help make that whole process is bit easier.

Jennifer Lopez is a huge light therapy fan. She has never gone on the record and told the press exactly what products she uses but she is known to use LED Light Treatments to tight her skin and reduce the lines on her face. She may also use a red light therapy bed to help reduce the lines on her entire body.


Image from


Katy Perry is often posting to her social media accounts about light therapy. She posted the photo above of her using a red light therapy portable mask. Although Perry is only thirty one and probably does not need to worry too much about her skin, she is known for looking pretty dang close to a Barbie Doll. Her skin is flawless for a thirty one year and it’s probably safe to say she wasn’t born that way. This mask uses red lights to keep her looking young! It tightens the skin on her face, reduces any fine lines, treats acne, and more.



Image from


Jessica Alba is another celebrity who has taken to her social media to share her love for light therapy. The thirty four year old mother of two is definitely luck to have been blessed with beautiful Latina skin, but that doesn’t stop her from going the extra mile with light therapy treatments. Alba posted the photo of her Opera light therapy mask above and wasn’t shy about it. Why should she be? Notice the color of the mask. Alba’s facialist chose to use “pink” lights, which are a combination of red and blue lights, to treat her skin. The red light plumps the skin and decreases wrinkles by increasing the collagen in the skin while the blue helps say goodbye to acne by killing the bacteria underneath the skin. This Opera mask lets you choose if you would like to use red, blue, or both lights, maximizing your skin’s potential. Jessica Alba uses this treatment about once a week to help her achieve that flawless skin.


We all seem to have it in our minds that celebrities are different than we are. They’re above us, right? Super humans. But the truth is, they’re humans too. Jennifer Lopez doesn’t just magically have the legs of a twenty something year old, Katy Perry’s skin on her forehead doesn’t magically get tighter over time, and Jessica Alba isn’t Super Woman, although most of us are convinced that she is. There’s no shame in needing a little help to make aging bearable. Why not explore an option that is all natural and isn’t harmful? You wouldn’t be the only one.